
Mental health

Nothing is more important than mental health …

Elis loves Abe

I let myself off the hook

I had an intense dream tonight, an intense download of focusing on the importance of mental health which in my opinion is being in balance, being in alignment, being true to who you are, being who you are regardless of the “conditions” (that you’ve created all by yourself) around you.

I know that’s not always easy, especially when you’re carrying old fear- or lack-based beliefs within you, most of them maybe for your whole life because from an early age on.

I know from doing the vibrational work and from the bottom of my heart (there is no bottom *smile*) that when you’re in a higher Vibration the lower ones including your negative beliefs have to come to the surface to be looked at, to be acknowledged for the help they have given you at particular times in your life (in order to protect…

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